
Hey guys!!! Time for another Naija brand review!! Its so exciting discovering and being reached out to by more and more brands here in Nigeria. To see all reviews I've done so far, click here . Today's brand focus is on Jedi & Co and trust me they deal in a lot of fashion accessories but this post is all about their shoe brooches. When their rep first told me about these brooches, I was asking myself how this was going to work but let's just say once I recieved it, I was super IMPRESSED!

Like seriously??? Who is the genius that came up with this fantastic idea? I loved the packaging the brooches came in, it looked like a really pretty gift wrapped in a gold ribbon with the brand card attached. Very nice! And the brooches themselves are so pretty! All the shoes I wanted to revamp just came into mind immediately. They sent me two brooches, one is really sparkly with stones and the other is in a bow form with tiny stones as well. These brooches work best with court shoes, peep toes and sandals and all you need to do is basically clip the brooches to the shoes. Pretty simple. The clips are strong and hold on to the shoes very well. When you get back home at the end of the day, you can unclip them and store properly in the pack it came in.

It has been so much fun wearing my plain shoes in a more sophisticated way. These brooches make your boring old shoes look expensive. Honestly, I'm all for this style idea. Christmas is coming and if you don't have the coins to spend on brand new shoes, go this route hunnay! The prices are also really friendly and you can get a pretty pair for as low as 2,000 naira. If maintained well, you can keep using them for a long time.
I will definitely look into getting more styles of these brooches because I can't resist not having to look like I'm rocking new shoes all the time.To check out these shoe brooches from Jedi&Co, click here and tell them Alma sent you!!! 

Do you have a Nigerian fashion, beauty or hair brand and want to have your items featured on my blog? I am still running free reviews and collaborations, so send me a DM on Instagram or mail for enquiries.

Thanks for stopping by..❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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